HnG Ch40+HnG Ch41 Eng Translation Pt.1

 How’s life, everyone? If good, cheers.

If tough, well then…try to make time for your hobbies/things you enjoy (at least one hr) every week. That would help you lead a much happier lifestyle in the long-run. Doing so would also sustain or perhaps even improve your productivity at school, work or elsewhere. Overworking might make you feel self-satisfaction, but you should only do that in short-run (if possible, don’t). So please don’t beat yourself too much, and don’t forget to enjoy life. With that said, I will just leave some short, peaceful/beautiful music here(3 gatsu no lion OST). #Happiness

Speaking of happiness, I’m currently back in Korea—my home country—after my long journey in US (Pittsburgh and Chicago).


*The flight got delayed due to rain, and I had to wait several hours (cause I came early). I think I finished my translation work for HnG Ch40, Prison Lab Ch19, Real Account Ch65 (Real account is being done by Soda Scan and me now). During this period of time, my mother took a pic of me, so I just attached it above. Some parts of my body might be missing, but don’t mind that.

Well then, before I say my signature phrase for HnG, I just wanted to explain the reasons behind delays for HnG Ch40+41:

Ch40: I actually sent the translation document to Fathin(HnG reddit admin) about two weeks ago. This time, Fathin was the one who cleaned and typesetted for the entire chapter, not me. I just provided the translation(…this did take some time too though). I decided not to ask for Kuuo’s help this time, because he wasn’t really online….and only one person thanked him for the special chapter from last time….which got thousands of views. I have come to terms with the fact that cleaners+typesetters are people working in the shadows of our scanlation community, but it still feels not right….yeah, it seems I still haven’t come to terms with it.

But that aside for now, when Fathin was close to having completed Ch40, a freaking hurricane arrived. So of course, rather than risking his life for one eechi romance manga chapter, he made a sensible decision to prioritise his life. He will upload Ch40 this Thursday after the final episode of HnG airs. I will share the link here below so stay in tune.

Ch41: Ah….now this is Kashii chapter. And those, who know me well, will also know that I translate HnG for Kashii. However, although the chapter came out 2-3 wks ago, I didn’t work on it until now. Why? Well….I’m in Korea so….I was enjoying my time with my family. I will still be in Korea for a few more days, but I thought I would still just do and share some pages. I hope for your kind understanding on these delays. We do these for free during our free time. If you have any complaint/criticism you would like to share, feel free to do so. But my response will likely be delayed….just a bit.tumblr_oq932vHxOw1qb9oabo4_540

Special thanks to Fathin, Eevee, Lion_4K, Just Another Quincy, Andreas, Kurorokiller and Lubra for kind support on discord.

Now then, let’s get back to gyaru~

HnG 40:

*Edit: Realized I made a typo. It’s meant to be ‘gyaru friends’ of ‘gear friends’. Rip. Just noticed after the chapter went out.

HnG 41: Been a while since I translated, cleaned and typesetted the pages. Pretty refreshing~I will just upload pages by pages whenever I’m done with them. Fathin will bundle them up and upload all of them as one in the future. You can wait for that. I’m just uploading them like these, for those who want to read HnG ASAP.


^full chapter there



















Your comment/support–>motivation->TL speed

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-If you have a question or just want to casually chat, feel free to join the Discord Group Chat for Soda Scan here  (making an account takes less than a min). I’m active there most of the time.

#Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter so that you guys can know when I upload/complete the translation and also know more about what’s going on. I’m usually more active on twitter.

#If you guys enjoy the translation, please leave a comment/support below or on MyAnimeList(Tell me what series you are following if possible). Any support would be greatly appreciated. It seriously gives me so much motivation and helps with accelerating my translation speed.




  1. Enjoying life is good, but don’t do it too much, since then the other things will be jealous and may leave you for a while.

    Thanks for the chapter and is good to have you back (even if it is just for a while) And thanks for all the people involved in all the work.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks for the update. Was waiting for this since I still feel that the anime doesn’t do it justice. Just can’t seem to wanna follow it after 3 episodes. Also, I gotta thank the guys at the shadows too right? I think stagehands are awesome. Assassins are kinda stagehands too if you think about it

    Liked by 1 person

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