Chapter 2 Epilogue+Minamoto Ch263 English Translation+TL Update Pt.1

What’s up guys? It’s Glasses-Kun

It’s been about 3 months since I joined the international manga scanlation community, and wow, time sure passed quickly.

Translating mangas turned out to be a more enjoyable hobby than I had expected. You can get rid of your stress while simultaneously listening to music and translating, spread arts and make readers worldwide happy. And consequently, I feel happy too. It’s nice.

At this point, I think I experienced and witnessed enough stuffs to claim that I understand both vices and virtues of this scanlation community. Arguments for and against scanlation too. More than I ever did, before having decided to step into this world in June this year. But that’s a monologue that I will save for another time. Maybe in Ch3.

As the title implies, the end of somebody monologue chapter 2 is nearing. Dear readers, thank you for having continued to visit this site.

The reason why Ch2 will end soon is simple.

I will be enlisting into national service on Oct 2nd and spending 1yr+10months in national service (NS).

I won’t be able to get out in my first 3 weeks; afterward, I will only be able to come out in weekends. I will be spending my weekdays on a certain small island somewhere, and I will only be able to access my phone. For a very limited time.

During my free time in weekends, I will still be translating stuffs, but I think I will have to give up on typesetting and cleaning myself. From onward, I will be collaborating with Kei (an editor) from Soda Scan. I… might write a post once in a while, but that will probably happen in weekends after my first 3 weeks of training.

That is, if I’m not too busy with other stuffs. I will be going to a tech-intensive uni in US  as a freshman after my NS ends, so I’m planning to train and level up as an individual during the time I get to come out in weekends. The university is called Carnegie Mellon University, and I am hoping to do a joint major program – Statistics and Computer Science. Its computer science department is both splendid and challenging after all.


Hopefully my uni hopefully doesn’t cut me off in my two years of deferment. I really wish, hope, and pray not. Well, even if it does, I will re-apply. It’s my dream school after all. For me to materialize the dream I have into reality(refer to this writing if you don’t know what my dream is), CMU is the school I’ve been hoping to attend.

I visited the university several weeks ago while I was in US, and it was great.

To make most out of my opportunities there, I’m hoping to prepare myself by doing AP calculus studies ahead(since I did IB, which leaves out some calculus stuff like differential equations and more), programming courses(python, html, etc..) and others. I should take care of my driving license test and financial literacy too…

There are so many other things I want to try out too. That’s why although I will still be translating stuffs in the shadow and getting chapters uploaded on Dreamer/Batoto/MZ/other sites, the update rate might become slower. I will likely not be able to be as fast as I was before, and I hope for your kind understanding. I Can’t leave behind any regret after all.

Considering so many things that happened in this period of time, I thought this would be the good timing to share some of the stuffs that happened.

Cool people I met, interesting insights I gained, bizarre messes/events I got myself into during the last three months.

Doing so would also provide nice points to reflect back upon, when my future-self decides to look over my old posts on this blog. But there’s so much to talk about. That’s why I’m planning to talk about it bits by bits in the future posts(along with the translation projects update for different series).

I am planning to get as many minamoto-kun and HnG chapters out as possible before the enlistment date, so I will try to have shared everything I want to talk about until the last day. I will start this reflection+storytelling from my next post, as I feel that I already kind of talked quiet a lot for this post.

Now then, with that out the way,

let’s get back to the classic tale of Minamoto-Kun Monogatari~

This chapter was brought to you by Glasses-Kun (Translator) and Kei (Editor of Soda Scan). I’m just uploading the pages like these ahead, for those who want to read the chapter ASAP. For those who want to read the chapter as a whole, I would recommend waiting for Batoto to host the chapter that Kei sent them.

*Edit: Find full chapter here





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Hope you enjoyed.

Your comment/support–>motivation->TL speed

-If you have a question or just want to casually chat, feel free to join the Discord Group Chat for Soda Scan here  (making an account takes less than a min). I’m active there most of the time.

#Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter so that you guys can know when I upload/complete the translation and also know more about what’s going on. I’m usually more active on twitter.

#If you guys enjoy the translation, please leave a comment/support below or on MyAnimeList(Tell me what series you are following if possible). Any support would be greatly appreciated. It seriously gives me so much motivation and helps with accelerating my translation speed.


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